Do you walk between worlds, between cultures, between systems? If the answer is yes to any of these questions, The Edge of Everyday is the place for you.
In a nutshell, this podcast is about pushing boundaries and exploring rough edges. Through conversations and shared stories with friends and colleagues – it’s my hope that we can begin to understand our edges – and what I mean by edges is - those places where we’re fearful, those places where we are resistant to change, those places where paradox and contradicting identities live in our beliefs and understandings, both individually and collectively.
We live in EDGY challenging times – we can not keep looking away from the ugly, from the difficult - and - silence is no longer an option. Life isn’t black or white. It’s both. And I want to talk about that. I want to face the tension of paradox and I want to engage in the hard conversations. I want to explore the rough edges between our light-filled brilliance and our dark shadowy corners.
Because the more we recognize our own edges and get real about them the more we help others to do the same. And that, I fully believe, can help to change the world.
So, thanks for tuning in….
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